Debt Recovery – Instalments Workflow
Updated Aug 5th, 2024
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Instalments Offered. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Add an automatic keydate to matter
7 days – CHASECLI – “Accept instalments offer?”
Meet unmet keydates by type
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the debt. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the total debt outstanding. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
• Total debt outstanding

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the instalments response. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Display a message to the user
Set up keydates to chase debtor for instalments (if Instalment Period is “other””
Criteria – if instalment offer accepted = yes AND if instalment period = other
Add an automatic keydate to matter
CHASE_DBTR – 7 days, 14 days or 30 days. The keydates are linked to the field Date first instalment due, and then criteria based on Instalment period determines the frequency of the keydate. E.g. if user selects weekly, the keydate will be 7 days after the date first instalment due. These keydates then link to the next task 3, Instalment Management.
Add an automatic keydate to matter
7 days – CHASE_DBTR – “Full payment received?” Criteria – only if fw_agree_inst (client instructions dos page) = no
For use to manage instalments – keydates will generate on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis as appropriate and task will remain unticked until field “Final Instalment Paid” has been completed with “yes”.
If an Instalment becomes overdue, the user will be directed to the INSTALMENTS OVERDUE task.
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Instalment Management . This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Add an automatic keydate to matter
CHASE DEBTOR – 7 days – Weekly Instalment Received?
criteria if Instalment offer accepted = yes AND if Instalment period = Weekly AND if Final Instalment Paid is not Yes AND if Instalment status is NOT Overdue
Add an automatic keydate to matter
CHASE DEBTOR – 14 days – Weekly Instalment Received?
criteria if Instalment offer accepted = yes AND if Instalment period = Fortnightly AND if Final Instalment Paid is not Yes AND if Instalment status is NOT Overdue
Add an automatic keydate to matter
CHASE DEBTOR – 30 days – Monthly Instalment Received?
criteria if Instalment offer accepted = yes AND if Instalment period = Weekly AND if Final Instalment Paid is not Yes
AND if Instalment status is NOT Overdue Linked to Task INSTALMENT MANAGEMENT
Display a message to the user
Proceed to Instalments Overdue Task.
criteria if Instalment Status = Overdue
Tick Task – Criteria – if Final Instalment Paid = Yes
Task 4 Instalments OverdueAllocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Instalments Overdue. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Add an automatic keydate to matter
CHASE_DBTR – 7 days Issue proceedings? Criteria – if Instalments Offered field = Pre-Action
CHASE_DBTR– 7 days Proceed to judgment? Criteria – if Instalments Offered field = Post-Action
CHASECLI – 3 days Instructions re overdue instalment
Meet unmet keydates by type
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Instalments Overdue. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Display a message to the user
Criteria – if Chase overdue field = No
“Client does not wish to pursue; proceed to close file”
Display a message to the user
Criteria – if Chase overdue field = Yes AND if Instalments Offered field = Pre-Action
“Client wishes to pursue; load “ISSUE PROCEEDINGS” workflow”
Display a message to the user
Criteria – if Chase overdue field = Yes AND if Instalments Offered field = Post-Action
“Client wishes to pursue; continue claim to judgment”
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Cheque Dishonoured. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Add an automatic keydate to matter
CHASE_DBTR – 7 days Issue proceedings? Criteria – if Proceedings Issued field = No
CHASE_DBTR – 7 days Proceed to judgment? Criteria – if Proceedings Issued field = Yes
CHASECLI – 3 days Instructions re dishonoured cheque
Task 7 Cheque Dishonoured – Client InstructionsMeet unmet keydates by type
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Cheque Dishonoured. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Display a message to the user
Criteria – if Chase Dishonoured Cheque = No
“Client does not wish to pursue; proceed to close file”
Display a message to the user
if Chase Dishonoured Cheque = No
“Check client ledger and WIP”
Display a message to the user
Criteria – if Chase Dishonoured Cheque = Yes AND if Proceedings Issued field = No
“Client wishes to pursue; load “ISSUE PROCEEDINGS” workflow”
Display a message to the user
Criteria – if Chase Dishonoured Cheque = Yes AND – if Proceedings Issued field = Yes
“Client wishes to pursue; continue claim to judgment”
Meet unmet keydates by type
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Instalment Management . This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the debt. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the total debt outstanding. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Add an automatic keydate to matter
REMINDER – Payment cleared? 7 days
– criteria if full payment made = yes
Task 9 Final Instalment ClearedMeet unmet keydates by type
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Close file. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Display a message to the user
“Check client ledger and WIP”
Send Standard Document
Display a message to the user
“Close file in the usual manner”
Criteria If total payment cleared = yes and if close file = yes