Reports: Budget Analysis
Updated Jun 3rd, 2024
Who is this guide for?
Accounts Users and Accounts Supervisors
This guide will take you through the Budget Analysis report
Produces a list of Income and Expenditure Nominals for a quarter or for a period, showing the actual movement against the Nominal Budget for the period and year to date.
Filter Options
- Branch – defaults to All. Select individual branches from the drop down list
- Department – defaults to All. Select individual departments from the drop down list
- Currency – shows the default currency. Other in use currencies can be selected from the drop down list
- Year – select the year you wish to report on from the drop down list.
- Report Type – Quarterly or by period
- Show Summary? – tick this box if you want to report by nominal header rather than nominal SAC (sub analysis code). Leave unticked if unsure.
- Hide Zero Budgets? – tick this box to hide any nominals that have a zero budget.
Grouping and Ordering
Ordering – choose to order your report by Account id (nominal code) or Account name (nominal description).
List of Columns produced
Budget analysis by period
- Nominal code – the code of the nominal
- SAC – the Sub Analysis Code of the nominal
- Nominal Description – the description of the nominal
- Period Actual – the actual amount posted in the period on the nominal
- Period Budget – the budget you have set for the nominal for the period being run
- YTD Actual – the actual amount posted in the year to date on the nominal
- YTD Budget – the total for all periods budgets entered for the year to date
- YTD Variance – the difference between the YTD actual and the YTD budget
- Total Budget – the total budget for the year
- Total Forecast – The actual figure to date added to the budget remaining to the end of the year
Budget analysis by Quarter
- Nominal code – the code of the nominal
- SAC – the Sub Analysis Code of the nominal
- Nominal Description – the description of the nominal
- Q1 Actual – the actual amount posted in Quarter 1 (periods 1-3)
- Q1 Budget – the total budget entered for Quarter 1
- Q2 Actual – the actual amount posted in Quarter 2
- Q2 Budget – the total budget entered for Quarter 2
- Q3 Actual – the actual amount posted in Quarter 3
- Q3 Budget – the total budget entered for Quarter 3
- Q4 Actual – the actual amount posted in Quarter 4
- Q4 Budget – the total budget entered for Quarter 4
- YTD Actual – the actual amount posted in the year to date on the nominal
- YTD Budget – the total for all periods budgets entered for the year to date
- YTD Variance – the difference between the YTD actual and the YTD budget
- Total Budget- the total budget for the year
- Total Forecast- The actual figure to date added to the budget remaining to the end of the year