Osprey Academy - Customer Support & Training

Using Osprey

Learn how to use Osprey to manage your day-to-day operations and processes

Who is this guide for?

Any Users

Access Templates & User Accounts

01 – Creating an Access Template

  • What are Access Templates?
  • Creating a New Template
  • Copying a Current Template

02 – Editing an Access Template

  • Amending Access Templates
  • Deleting Access Templates

03 – Adding a User Account

  • The User List
  • Adding a New User
  • Compulsory Fields
  • The User ID
  • Activating a User

04 – Editing a User Account

  • Editing User Details
  • Deactivating a User
  • Resetting a Password
  • Resetting the UI State

Accounts 1: Basic

01 – The Client Ledger

  • Customise Ledger View
  • Posting to the Client Ledger
  • Posting Types
  • Raising Requisitions

02 – Client Bank Receipt

  • Why Post a Client Bank Receipt?
  • Posting a Client Bank Receipt

03 – Client Bank Payment

  • Posting a Client Bank Payment
  • Generating Cheques

04 – Office Bank Payment

  • Posting an Office Bank Payment
  • Disbursement Postings

05 – Nominal Payment & Transfer from Nominal

  • The Nominal Ledger
  • Posting Payments & Receipts
  • Transfer from Nominals

06 – Petty Cash Payment

  • What is a Petty Cash Payment
  • Posting Petty Cash Payment

07 – Bills

  • Bill Posting Type
  • Posting a Bill
  • Allocating Disbursements
  • Time Allocation
  • Apportioning Costs
  • Printing Bills

08 – Allocations

  • Retrospective Allocations
  • Allocating Payment to a Bill
  • Checking Allocations

09 – Cost Transfer & Cost Transfer Report

  • Why Post a Cost Transfer?
  • What is the Cost Transfer Report?
  • The Posting Details Page
  • The Allocate Credit Page
  • The Apportion Costs Received Page

10 – Office Bank Receipt

  • Why Post an Office Bank Receipt?
  • Posting an Office Bank Receipt
  • The Allocate Credit Page

11 – Z Note

  • Why Post a Note to the Client Ledger?
  • Posting the Note

12 – Nominal Petty Cash Payment

  • Why Post a Nominal Ledger Petty Cash Payment & Receipt?
  • Posting a Petty Cash Payment & Receipt

13 – Creating Cheques

  • Payee Options
  • Cheque Options
  • Posting Details

Accounts 2: Advanced

01 – Journals Between Matters

  • Journaling the Client Ledger
  • Client Transfer Payment & Receipt
  • Office Transfer Payment & Receipt

02 – Deposit Accounts

  • What are Deposit Accounts?
  • Linking Deposit Accounts to the Client Ledger
  • Deposit Posting Types
  • Client Transfer to Deposit

03 – Creating New Nominals

  • What Are Nominals?
  • Nominal Headers & SACs
  • The Account List
  • Create a New Nominal Header
  • Create an SAC for an Existing Nominal Header

04 – Nominal Journals

  • What are Nominal Journals?
  • Nominal Transfer From Account
  • Nominal Transfer Into Account

05 – Introducing Petty Cash from Bank

  • Why is Introducing Petty Cash Important?
  • Posting Types
  • Posting Petty Cash from Bank

06 – Paying VAT to HMRC

  • Paying HMRC
  • VAT Payment
  • VAT Adjustment
  • Posting a VAT Payment

07 – Reconciling Bank Accounts

  • Why Reconcile the Bank Accounts?
  • Manual Reconciliation
  • Printing the Banks
  • Sorting & Filtering the Reconciliation Screen

08 – Purchase Ledgers

  • What are Purchase Ledgers?
  • Creating a Purchase Ledger
  • Posting a Supplier Invoice
  • Paying the Supplier
  • Allocating Payments

Accounts 3: Supplementary

01 – Unpaid Disbursements

  • What are Unpaid Disbursements For?
  • Posting an Unpaid Disbursement
  • Paying an Unpaid Disbursement
  • Undoing a Paid Unpaid Disbursement
  • Cancelling an Unpaid Disbursement
  • Running the Unpaid Disbursements Report

02 – Budgets & Budget Analysis

  • What are Budgets?
  • Adding a Budget
  • Amending a Budget
  • Checking Budget/Actual/Under Over And %
  • Running the Budget Analysis Report

03 – Scheduled Postings

  • What are Scheduled Postings?
  • Adding a New Schedule
  • Editing & Deleting a Schedule
  • Posting Pending Items
  • Deleting Pending Items

04 – Provisional Journals

  • What are Provisional Journals?
  • Posting a Provisional Journal Credit

05 – Allocating Payments In Purchase & Client Ledgers

  • Why Allocate Payments?
  • Allocating Payments in the Client Ledger
  • Allocating Disbursements in the Client Ledger
  • Allocating Invoices/Payments in the Purchase Ledger

06 – Provisional Bills

  • What are Provisional Bills?
  • Posting a Provisional Bill
  • Delivering a Provisional Bill
  • Undoing a Delivered Provisional Bill
  • Cancelling a Provisional Bill

07 – Counsel Fees

  • What are Counsel Fees?
  • Entering Counsels Fees
  • Paying Counsels Fees
  • Undoing Paid Counsels Fees
  • Cancelling Counsels Fees

Accounts: Quick Start

01 – Getting Started

  • Logging into Osprey
  • The Osprey Approach Home Page

02 – Searches

  • The Global Search
  • Loading a Client & Matter
  • Client & Dossier Searches
  • Conflict of Interest Searches

03 – Clients & Matters

  • Adding & Editing Clients
  • Making Prospects Live
  • Adding & Editing Matters
  • Archiving Matters
  • Credit & Money Laundering Checks

04 – The Client Ledger

  • Viewing the Client Ledger
  • Printing the Client Ledger
  • Raising Requisitions

05 – Client Bank Receipt

  • What is a Client Bank Receipt?
  • Posting a Client Bank Receipt

06 – Client Bank Payment

  • What is a Client Bank Payment?
  • Posting a Client Bank Payment

07 – Office Bank Payment

  • What is an Office Bank Payment?
  • Posting an Office Bank Payment

08 – Office Bank Receipt

  • What is an Office Bank Receipt?
  • Posting an Office Bank Receipt

09 – Bills

  • Bill Posting Types
  • Posting a Bill
  • Allocating Disbursements
  • Times Allocation
  • Apportioning Costs
  • Printing Bills

10 – Petty Cash Payment

  • What is a Petty Cash Payment?
  • Posting a Petty Cash Payment

11 – Unpaid Disbursements

  • What are Unpaid Disbursements For?
  • Posting an Unpaid Disbursement
  • Paying an Unpaid Disbursement
  • Undoing a Paid Unpaid Disbursement
  • Cancelling an Unpaid Disbursement
  • Running the Unpaid Disbursements Report

12 – Z Note

  • Why Post a Note?
  • Posting your Note

13 – Nominal Petty Cash Payment

  • Why Post a Nominal Ledger Petty Cash Payment & Receipt?
  • Posting your Petty Cash Payment & Receipt

14 – Reconciling Bank Accounts

  • Why Reconcile the Bank Accounts?
  • Manual Reconciliation
  • Printing the Banks
  • Sorting & Filtering the Reconciliation Screen

15 – Purchase Ledgers

  • What are Purchase Ledgers?
  • Creating a Purchase Ledger
  • Posting a Supplier Invoice
  • Paying the Supplier
  • Allocating Payments

Advanced Workflow Actions

01 – Adding & Editing Workflow Criteria

  • Introduction
  • Setting Criteria on Actions
  • The Criteria Screen
  • Editing Tasks & Adding Criteria

02 – Linking Tasks to Key Dates

  • Linking Tasks to Key Date Actions
  • How to Link Tasks to a Key Date
  • Unlinking a Task

03 – The Tick Task Action

  • What is the Tick Task Action?
  • Ticking a Task

Case Bundles

01 – Creating a Case Bundle

  • What is a Bundle?
  • What Goes in a Bundle
  • Creating a Bundle

02 – Adding Folders to a Bundle

  • Creating Folders
  • The Root Folder

03 – Adding Content

  • Adding Content to a Bundle
  • The Processed Date

04 – Downloading a Bundle

  • Downloading a Bundle
  • Viewing a Bundle

05 – Bundle Document Settings

  • Amending Bundle Worktype
  • Amending Bundle Font Size & Type

Case Supervisor: Dossier Fields & Pages

01 – What are Dossier Pages & Fields

  • Introduction
  • Dossier Page Contents
  • Commonly Used Fields

02 – Creating Pages & Linking to Work Types

  • Creating a Dossier Page
  • Editing a Dossier Page
  • Assigning a Worktype

03 – Creating Dossier Fields

  • The Dossier Fields Page
  • Adding a Dossier Field
  • Editing & Deleting Dossier Fields

04 – Creating Dossier List Fields

  • Adding Dossier List Fields
  • Creating Values
  • Ordering the List
  • Default Entries
  • Editing Dossier List Fields

05 – Linking Fields to Dossier Pages

  • Linking Dossier Fields
  • Unlinking Dossier Fields
  • Designing Dossier Pages
  • Previewing Dossier Pages

06 – Expert Types & Area of Expertise

  • What are Expert Types?
  • Adding an Expert Type
  • Editing an Expert Type
  • Adding an Area of Expertise

Case Supervisor: Questionnaires

01 – Custom Questionnaires

  • What are Custom Questionnaires?
  • Creating Custom Questionnaires
  • Linking & Arranging Fields
  • Filtering Options
  • Design the Client View

02 – Web Questionnaires

  • What are Web Questionnaires?
  • Creating a New Enquiry Form

03 – Workflow Web Questionnaires

  • What are Workflow Web Questionnaires
  • Creating a Web Questionnaire
  • Linking the Questionnaire to a Workflow
  • Running the Questionnaire
  • Questionnaire Administrator

Case Supervisor: Standard Documents

01 – Include Documents

  • Creating an Include Document
  • Uploading a Header/Footer
  • Updating an Including Document
  • Adding Include Documents to Letters
  • Running a Preview

02 – Standard Documents

  • Creating Document Templates
  • Filtering the Document List
  • Editing Document Data
  • Deleting a Document

03 – Linking Mergefields

  • Designing a Document
  • Selecting Mergefield Tables
  • Linking Fields to a Document
  • Previewing a Document

04 – PDF & Excel Documents

  • Creating a PDF Document
  • Creating an Excel Document

05 – Cloning Documents

  • Add Current Document
  • Linking Fields

06 – Item Types

  • Creating Item Types
  • Assigning Item Types to Matter History Items

07 – Email Templates

  • Creating Email Templates
  • Inserting Mergefields from Osprey
  • Using Templates when Sending Emails

08 – Text Message Templates

  • Creating SMS Templates
  • Inserting Mergefields from Osprey
  • Using Templates when Sending Text Messages

Case Supervisor: Workflows & Key Date Types

01 – Creating a Workflow

  • Creating a New Workflow
  • Editing Workflow Details
  • Archiving Workflows

02 – Creating a Task

  • Creating a New Task
  • Editing a Task

03 – Adding Actions to a Task

  • Commonly Used Actions
  • Send Standard Document
  • Automatic Key Dates
  • Sending Text Messages
  • Allocate Custom Questionnaire
  • Editing & Removing Actions

04 – Linking Tasks to a Workflow

  • Linking a Task
  • Dragging & Dropping Tasks

05 – Workflow Sections

  • Creating Workflow Sections
  • Linking Tasks to Workflow Sections

06 – Key Date Types

  • Creating Key Date Types
  • Editing Key Date Types

Case Worker

01 – Getting Started

  • Logging into Osprey
  • The Osprey Approach Homepage
  • Two Factor Authentication
  • Your User Profile Page
  • Logging Out of Osprey

02 – Client & Matter Searches

  • The Global Search
  • Client & Matter Searches
  • The Wildcard Search

03 – Conflict of Interest Searches

  • Client Conflicts
  • Dossier Data Conflicts
  • Saving Conflict Checks

04 – Adding Clients & Matters

  • Adding Individual Clients
  • Adding Company Clients
  • Additional Named Clients
  • Communication Details
  • Adding the First Matter

05 – Matter Restrictions

  • Restricting Individuals
  • Restricting Groups

06 – Posting Time

  • Posting Time
  • Viewing the Time Ledger

07 – The Timer & Timesheets

  • Using Timers on a Current Matter
  • Using Timers on a Blank Matter
  • Posting Time from the Timer
  • Using Timesheets

08 – Client Ledger & Requisitions

  • Viewing the Client Ledger
  • The Client Ledger Summary
  • Client Ledger Requisitions

09 – Contacts & Organisations

  • Adding Contacts & Organisations
  • Editing Contacts & Organisations
  • Linking a Contact to an Organisation

10 – The Dossier

  • Selecting a Dossier Pages
  • Adding Information to a Dossier Page

11 – Document Production & Osprey Gateway

  • Installing the Gateway
  • Logging into the Gateway
  • Browser Setup
  • Running Documents
  • Saving Documents to Matter History

12 – The Matter History

  • Uploading Documents
  • Adding Notes
  • Customising the Matter History
  • Searching the Matter History
  • Matter History Item Options
  • Matter History Folders

13 – Key Dates & Workflows

  • Adding Key Dates
  • Editing Key Dates
  • Meeting Key Dates
  • The Key Date Summary
  • Loading Workflows
  • Running Workflows

14 – Sending Emails & Text Messages from Osprey

  • Sending Emails from Osprey
  • Sending Emails from Matter History
  • Including Matter History Items in Emails
  • Sending Text Messages in Osprey

15 – Bundles & Packages

  • Creating Court Bundles
  • Downloading Court Bundles
  • Creating Packages
  • Sending Packages from Osprey

Client Level & File System

01 – Client Level

  • What is the Client Level?
  • Client Level Overview

02 – Creating a Client Level Workflow

  • Linking Fields to a Global Dossier Page
  • Creating the Workflow
  • Loading the Workflow
  • Running the Workflow

03 – File System Documents

  • Creating a File System Document
  • Filtering General Documents
  • Previewing a Document

04 – File System Folders

  • Creating a New Folder
  • Creating Sub-Folders
  • Saving a Document into a Folder
  • Document Options

05 – Adding Items to the File System

  • Uploading Items
  • Saving Notes

06 – Editing File System Items

  • Checking Out Items
  • Checking In Items
  • The Item Details Panel

07 – File System Item Options

  • Previewing Items
  • Downloading Items
  • Emailing Items
  • Deleting Items

Criminal Billing & CRM Reporting

01 – Introduction & Access

  • Claiming your Payments
  • Important Information
  • Setting Access

02 – LAA Contract Number & Form Lists

  • Adding a Contract Number
  • Adding a Schedule Number
  • Amending Contract Work Forms
  • Managing Lists

03 – Setting the Matter – APP SECTIONS TO BE REMOVED

  • Generating a UFN Number
  • Checking the Billing Guide
  • Legal Aid Codes
  • Claiming Mileage
  • Personal Details

04 – Running the CRM6 Report

  • Contract Work Reports
  • Running Validation
  • Billable Matters List
  • Summary of Claims
  • Saving Online Submission

05 – Using CRM6 with Auto Posting

  • Checking the Posting Date
  • Changing the Posting Date

06 – Setup Required

  • Setting Up a Mileage Nominal
  • Ticking Access Flags
  • Setting System Switches
  • Auto Posting Defaults
  • Posting Descriptions
  • Spooling Bills
  • Remuneration IDs
  • Posting Dates

07 – Submission & Reconciliation

  • Reconciling the LAA Claim Summary
  • Ticking the Transactions

08 – Printing CRM11 Bills & CRM7 Report

  • Reprinting CRM Batches
  • Spool Bills

File Restrictions

01 – Matter Restrictions Setup

  • Matter Restricted Access
  • Per-User Restrictions

02 – Matter Restrictions (Browser)

  • Editing a Matter
  • Restricting a User
  • Restricting a Group

03 – Matter Restrictions (App)

  • Editing a Matter
  • Restricting a User
  • Restricting a Group

Month End

01 – Pre Period End Checks

  • Pre-Period End Checks
  • The Trial Balance
  • Ledger Balance
  • Purchase Balance
  • Bank Balance

02 – Pre Period End Reports

  • Pre-Period End Reports
  • Aged Debtors Reports

03 – Month End

  • What is Month End?
  • Running Period End

04 – Month End Reports

  • Running Your Reports
  • Report Selection
  • Printing Reports
  • Exporting Reports

05 – Exporting Reports

  • Why Export Reports?
  • Exporting to Excel/CSV/PDF

Osprey Integrations

01 – Docusign

  • Requesting Signatures
  • Additional Signatures
  • Signing a Document

02 – InfoTrack

  • Adding Information
  • Submitting an Order

03 – Loqate

  • Searching a Postcode
  • Adding the Address

04 – Lexis Nexis

  • Running Lexis Nexis Forms
  • Saving Forms to the Matter History
  • Checking Out Forms

05 – Searchflow

  • Setting Up Bundles
  • Favourite Products
  • Submitting a Search

06 – Text Anywhere

  • Sending Texts in Osprey
  • Text Message Templates

07 – Coadjute

  • What is Coadjute?
  • Invitations
  • Viewing & Accepting an Invitation
  • The Coadjute Board
  • The Message Centre

08 – Minerva

  • Running the Minerva Workflow Action
  • Adding Minerva Actions to Workflow Tasks

Report Writer 1: Basic

01 – Getting Started

  • Entering Your Osprey URL
  • Entering Your Credentials
  • Logging into the Report Writer
  • Selecting a View
  • Report Writer Settings in Osprey
  • Saving Progress

02 – Creating & Editing Bands

  • What are Bands?
  • List of Available Bands
  • Creating Bands
  • How to Remove Bands

03 – Commonly Used Functions

  • The Report Writer Screen
  • Changing Page Orientation
  • The Tool Box
  • Title & Column Headings
  • The Details Bar
  • Adding Details
  • Adding & Editing Images

04 – Calculated Fields

  • Creating Calculated Fields
  • Using Calculated Fields
  • The Expression Editor

05 – Sorting & Grouping Data

  • Sorting Data
  • Grouping Data
  • Editing Sorts & Groups

06 – Adding Parameters

  • What are Parameters?
  • Adding & Editing Parameters
  • Parameter Functions

07 – Saving Your Report

  • Saving Overview
  • Saving Reports
  • Editing Reports
  • Why Clone a Report?
  • Cloning Reports
  • Deleting Reports

Report Writer 2: Advanced

01 – Getting Started

  • Chart Introduction
  • Prior to Booking this Course…

02 – Adding & Placing a Chart

  • Cloning a Report for a Chart
  • Placing the Chart
  • Adding the Chart

03 – Pie Charts

  • Creating the Pie Chart
  • Selecting a Style
  • Setting up the Chart Series
  • Toggling Chart Properties
  • Amending the Legend & Data Points

04 – Bar Charts

  • Creating the Bar Chart
  • Selecting a Style
  • Setting up the Chart Series
  • Toggling Chart Properties
  • Amending the Labels

05 – Pivot Charts

  • Creating the Pivot Chart
  • Selecting a Style
  • Setting up the Chart Series
  • Toggling Chart Properties
  • Amending the Sources & Pivot Columns

06 – Running Reports in Osprey

  • Accessing the Reports in Osprey
  • Report Permissions
  • Searching for Reports
  • Running a Report

07 – Scheduling Reports

  • Setting up a Schedule
  • Amending Recurrence
  • Removing a Schedule

Standard & Financial Reports

01 – Introduction

  • Reports Available
  • Commonly Used Reports

02 – Ledger Balance Filters

  • The Ledger Balance Report
  • Filtering the Report
  • Running the Report

03 – Check For Overdrawn Balances

  • Filtering the Report
  • Running the Report

04 – Check For Credit Balances

  • Filtering the Report
  • Running the Report

05 – Exporting Report Results

  • Exporting to Excel
  • Filtering your Data

Supervisor Case Management: Quick Start

01 – Work Types

  • What are Work Types?
  • Adding New Work Types
  • Amending Work Types
  • Archiving Work Types

02 – Documents & Lexis Forms – REMOVE APP SECTION

  • Creating Document Templates
  • Adding Content & Mergefields
  • Adding New PDF & Excel Documents
  • Add Current Document
  • Lexis Integration

03 – Include Documents

  • What are Include Documents?
  • Creating an Include Document for your Header & Footer
  • Uploading the Include Document
  • Adding Include Documents to your Templates

04 – Amending Workflows

  • Creating a Workflow
  • Archiving a Workflow
  • Creating New Tasks
  • Linking Tasks to Workflows

05 – Email Templates

  • Creating an Email Template
  • Adding Mergefields to Email Templates

06 – Client & Matter Extensions

  • What are Extensions?
  • Creating a New Extension
  • Adding Mergefields to your Extension
  • Cloning an Extension

Supervisor User: Quick Start

01 – Adding & Amending Users

  • Adding a New User
  • The User Activation Process
  • Amending a User
  • The User Profile Area

02 – Access Templates

  • Creating & Cloning Access Templates
  • Amending Access Templates

03 – Adding Fee Earners & Transferring Matters

  • Creating New Fee Earners
  • Amending Fee Earners
  • Transferring Matters Between Fee Earners
  • Fee Earner Status

04 – Fee Earner Rates

  • Methods of Recording Time
  • Adding Activity Codes
  • Linking Activity Codes to Work Types
  • Remuneration Types
  • Setting Charging Rates

05 – Security Groups

  • Creating Security Groups
  • Adding Users to Security Groups

06 – System Settings & Configuration

  • Amending System Settings
  • Amending Configuration Settings & Switches

Web Portal 1: User

01 – Web Enabling Clients

  • Web Enabling a Client
  • Unpublishing a Matter
  • Republishing a Matter
  • Enable Client Access
  • Resetting a Password

02 – Linking Associates

  • Linking Associates to a Matter
  • Unlinking Associates

03 – Web Enable Matter History Documents

  • Web Publishing a Matter History Document
  • Web Publishing for Individual Users
  • Web Enabling Permissions

04 – Web Enable Key Dates

  • Web Publishing a Key Date
  • Unpublishing a Key Date

05 – Web Enable Emails

  • Web Publishing an Email
  • Copying to Associates
  • Web Publishing an Email from the Matter History

06 – Logging into the Portal

  • Logging in as a Client
  • Logging in as an Associate
  • Forgotten Passwords
  • Published Matters List
  • Published Documents
  • The Actions Panel
  • Workflow Tasks
  • Outstanding Key Dates

07 – Options Within the Portal

  • Current Cases
  • Your Details
  • Contact Us
  • The Conveyancing Calculator
  • Printing
  • File Sharing
  • News
  • My Account

08 – Associate Login

  • Matters List
  • Selecting a Matter
  • Contact Us

09 – New Matter & Client Enquiries

  • Submitting a New Enquiry
  • Filling in the Forms
  • Submitting a Form
  • Viewing New Enquiries
  • Deleting Enquiries
  • Posting

Web Portal 2: Supervisor

01 – What is the Web Portal?

  • Available Features
  • Examples of Using the Web Portal

02 – Associate Setup

  • Setup Requirements
  • Creating a New Associate

03 – Access Template Setup

  • Default Templates Available
  • Creating a New Template
  • Amending Access

04 – Conveyancing Options

  • The Conveyancing Calculator Setup
  • Setting Up Conveyancing Rates
  • Creating Band Limits

05 – Web Enabling in Osprey

  • Published Descriptions
  • Web Enabling a Task
  • Web Enabling a Worktype
  • Web Enabling Questionnaires
  • Linking Fields
  • Compulsory Fields
  • Designing a View
  • Allocating Web Questionnaires
  • Questionnaire Administrators

06 – Email Setup

  • Setting Up Email Templates
  • Linking Fields to Email Templates
  • Adding Signatures

07 – Configuration

  • Changing the Column Headings
  • Rearranging Columns

Web Portal 3: File Sharing

01 – File Sharing

  • Accessing File Sharing
  • File Sharing Options in Matter History

02 – File Sharing Setup

  • Amending the Access Template
  • Ticking the Relevant Options

03 – Publishing Documents

  • Publishing From the Matter History
  • Client & Associate Permissions
  • Viewing Published Documents in the Matter History

04 – Accessing Documents

  • The File Sharing/Uploads Tab
  • Document Options

05 – Checking Out Documents

  • Checking Out a Document
  • Checking In & Undo Options
  • Amending the Document
  • Checking the Document Back In
  • Check In Comments

06 – Finalising Published Documents

  • Finalising Documents
  • Unfinalising Documents
  • Unpublishing Documents

Year End

01 – Pre Month End Checks

  • Pre-Period End Checks
  • The Trial Balance
  • Ledger Balance
  • Purchase Balance
  • Bank Balance

02 – Pre Month End Reports

  • Pre-Period End Reports
  • Aged Debtors Reports

03 – Add Period Set

  • Adding New Periods
  • Outstanding Scheduled Postings
  • Tick Deferred Bills

04 – Year End

  • Running Your Year End
  • The Year End Report

05 – Month End Reports

  • Running Your Reports
  • Report Selection
  • Printing Reports
  • Exporting Reports

06 – Year End Reports

  • Accessing Further Reports
  • Filtering the Reports
In this article