Osprey Academy - Customer Support & Training

Using Osprey

Learn how to use Osprey to manage your day-to-day operations and processes

Who is this guide for?

Any Users

This guide will take you through the options available for training resources

Osprey offers a number of ways to help your users feel comfortable using Osprey. We understand every user has a different learning style.

Support Academy

The Osprey Support Academy is an online library of resources, with guides, videos and information available around the clock. Our guides cover the installation of Osprey’s products, how-to guides, and even configuration guides. These will help to fine-tune Osprey to fit your company’s needs.


Online Training

All Osprey users have access to free online training, and courses can be repeated as many times as needed.

Led by one of our expert trainers, our online sessions can be arranged for groups or individuals. They will be delivered via Microsoft Teams.

Training Academy

All of Osprey’s training sessions are available from our Training academy. Users can progress through the course at their own pace, at any time they choose.

Bespoke Training

In certain instances, it may be necessary to arrange a bespoke training session – this will be tailored specifically to cover certain topics, and under some circumstances, carried out on a live site.

Drop-In Sessions

Drop-in sessions are held via Microsoft Teams and can be scheduled for multiple days if required. A Microsoft Team meeting is set up, with a member of the Support team available throughout the course of the day.

If any users have any queries, they can simply join the session, and a member of the team will be available to answer any queries, share screens and demonstrate functions and features, and assist the user.

Q&A sessions

Q&A sessions are based on a small group, normally heads of departments, office managers or partners at a firm, where you can discuss any queries and questions you may have.

This would be recommended if the drop-in sessions or training is not suitable.

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