Osprey Academy - Customer Support & Training

Using Osprey

Learn how to use Osprey to manage your day-to-day operations and processes

Who is this guide for?

Accounts Users and Accounts Supervisors

This guide will go through the Trial Balance report

This report is a statement of all debits and credits and shows the current period and year to date balance of Nominals, Banks, and Journals.

Filter options

  • Branch  – Defaults to All – can select an individual branch from the drop down
  • Department – Defaults to All – can select a Department from the drop down list
  • Currency – Defaults to the Default currency –  Other live currencies can be selected from the drop down list
  • Show Legal Aid Counsels Fees – tick this box to show CFDebtors and CFees journals
  • Sum Nominals – tick this box to list only Nominal header records, or untick to see all individual Nominal SACs
  • Show this period – tick this box to show figures for This Period and Year To Date, or untick for Year To Date only

List of columns produced

  • Account  – the account ID of the bank, journal or nominal
  • Type – Expenditure, Balance Sheet or Income
  • Description – the description of the bank, journal or nominal
  • This period DR – Debits this period
  • This period CR – Credits this period
  • Year To Date DR – Debits this year
  • Year To Date CR – Credits this year
In this article