October enhancements
Updated Oct 30th, 2023
October ’23 Release Notes

Following client feedback, we’ve improved and enhanced various browser, gateway app, and case management functionality to improve the overall experience.
The changes & improvements include:
Case Management App – v3.2.7
- Contract Work forms
You can now work with Contract Work forms data just as you can in the browser.

- Matter History sorting
When customising your matter history view, you can now successfully sort the data by clicking the column headings.

- Matter History global view
The ‘Global’ option in the Matter History now successfully shows you all related documents to the client, not just the case. There had been a previous bug that stopped that function intermittently.
- Downloading Matter History items
All items in the Matter History can now successfully be downloaded. There had been a previous bug where this was causing intermittent issues.

- Dossier dates
Previously, the date field didn’t populate further back then the first of the current year. The date field now goes back to 01/01/1901 by typing it or using the date picker.
- Include archives & prospects in search
When searching for a file, the Include Archives and Include Prospects options are always available, even when the search yielded no results.

- Matter History searches
Improvements have been made to the ‘Details’ option of the search in the Matter History, whole word searches now produce instant results.

Browser – v1.34.6
- Formula fields mapped to InfoTrack
You can now use a formula, linked to Dossier fields to pre-populate the InfoTrack page. This can be done in Supervisor > Case Management Setup > InfoTrack Field Mapping.

- Office TT Requisition
The Cheque Required option was previously automatically ticked when selecting Office TT requisition. This has now been changed so it’s only automatically ticked with the Office Cheque Required requisition.

- Accuser ID in Document Production
The field Accuser ID when added to a formula would not display the current user logged in when used in Document Production. This has now been resolved.

- Changes to reports
After increasing the number of characters available for the matter description field, it caused issues when running some standard reports. These will now run without error.
Gateway App – v2.4.0
- Checking in Excel documents
Excel documents now check in as expected. Previously the check-in box didn’t show if your default folder location was set to OneDrive, but this has now been fixed.
Please ensure you have the latest version (2.4.0) of the Gateway app installed, it should auto update when you next restart your PC.
You can check the version you currently have installed by right-clicking the Gateway icon at the bottom right of your screen, by the clock. You may need to click the up arrow ( ^ ) to show it.

For more information & support
If you need more information or support on the new updates, please contact our support team who will be happy to help. Submit a support ticket, or call us on 0330 060 4940.