Osprey Academy - Customer Support & Training

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Focused Workflow Review (All Work Types)

Recommended for Case Workers, Case Management Supervisors and System Supervisors

Delivered online via video conference

Duration is 1 hour

About this course

What is a Focused Workflow?

  • What is a Focused Workflow?
  • The Full Focused Workflow List

Linking Activities to Work Types

  • Viewing Work Types
  • Linking Your Activities
  • Setting Rates
  • Unlinking Activities

Using Focused Workflows

  • Ensuring the Correct Work Type is Selected
  • Amending the Work Type of a File

Focused Workflow Dossiers

  • Viewing the Dossier
  • Available Dossier Pages
  • Filling in the Dossier

Standard Letters

  • Running Documents on a File
  • Saving Your Documents
  • Filtering Your Documents


  • Viewing Your Workflows
  • Viewing Tasks on a Workflow

Loading a Focused Workflow

  • Where to Find Your Workflow
  • Running a Workflow