Mags Court Not Guilty Plea
Updated Aug 6th, 2024
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the magistrate’s trial. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the magistrate’s trial proof/statement. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Display a message to the user
Ensure to Enter Advice in
following Letter
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Add a keydate linked to dossier field
Notes – Magistrates Trial Date
Offset: 0 Days
Keydate Type: MAG_TRL_DT
Fee Earner: Matter Fee Earner#
Page ID: Magistrates Court Not
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the number of witnesses. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the witnesses. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the witnesses. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the witnesses. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the witnesses. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Add an automatic keydate to matter
Notes – Chase Witness(es)
Offset: 7 Days
Keydate Type: CHS_WITNES
Fee Earner: Matter Fee Earner
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding whether or not the witnesses have been spoken to. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the witnesses are abandoned. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields

Display a message to the user
Run following Witness Reminder
Will run when you have not spoken/met with witness(es)
Display a message to the user
Do not run the following Witness Reminder Task
Will run when you have spoken/met with witness(es)
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding if the witnesses are abandoned. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the 1st meeting. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Add a keydate linked to dossier field
Add an Automatic Keydate
Linked to a Dossier Field
Notes – 1st Client Instruction
Offset: 0 Days
Keydate Type: 1ST_CLI_AP
Fee Earner: Matter Fee Earner
Linked to Dossier Page:
Additional Client Details
Linked to Dossier Field: First
Client Appointment Date
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
– Client Attend Meeting

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the 2nd meeting. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Add a keydate linked to dossier field
Notes – 2nd Client Instruction
Offset: 0 Days
Keydate Type: 2ND_CLI_AP
Fee Earner: Matter Fee Earner
Linked to Dossier Page:
Additional Client Details
Linked to Dossier Field: Second
Client Appointment Date
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the meeting’s attendance. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Display a message to the user
Prepare & Send Out the Proof –
Client Statement
Send Standard Document
Tick Task
Criteria – Will
only Tick
Task If ‘Client
Meeting’ =
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the prosecution issues. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the outcome. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the guilty outcome. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the sentence. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the community order. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the unpaid work. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the supervision. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the suspended sentence work. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the prison sentence. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
– Curfew Order Details (MC)

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Meet unmet keydates by type
Meet unmet keydates by type
Meet unmet keydates by type
Meet unmet keydates by type
Display a message to the user
Please ensure to complete the
contract work forms
Display a message to the user
Please ensure to Bill the Case
Add an automatic keydate to matter
Offset – 28 days
Notes – Ensure Case has been
Fee Earner – Matter Fee Earner
Keydate type – BILL_CASE