Police Station
Updated Aug 6th, 2024
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Client. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the number of offences. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the offences. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
This questionnaire will only run if the number of offences is set to 1

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the offences. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
This questionnaire will only run if the number of offences is set to 2

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the offences. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
This questionnaire will only run if the number of offences is set to 3

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the offences. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
This questionnaire will only run if the number of offences is set to 4

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the initial police station. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the voluntary attender. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the police station voluntary attender. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
Will on run when Voluntary Attender is saved as Yes

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the police station attendance. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
Will on run when Voluntary Attender is saved as No

Send Standard Document
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the briefing instructions. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the release. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the bail. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
Will only run when Investigation Not Concluded is saved as Released on Bail.

Send Standard Document
Add a keydate linked to dossier field
Add an Automatic Keydate to
Linked to Dossier Field
Notes – Bail to Return Date
Offset: 0 Days
Keydate Type: BTR_DATE
Fee Earner: Matter Fee Earner
Linked to Dossier Page: Police
Station Attendance
Linked to Dossier Field: Bail to
Return Date
Will only run when Investigation Not Concluded is saved as Released on Bail.
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the briefing instructions. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
Will only run when Investigation Not Concluded is saved as Released on Bail.

Send Standard Document
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding if bail is extended. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the bail extension. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
Will only show when Bail is extended

Send Standard Document
Add a keydate linked to dossier field
Add an Automatic Keydate to
Linked to Dossier Field
Notes – Extended Bail Date
Offset: 0 Days
Keydate Type: EX_BAIL_DT
Fee Earner: Matter Fee Earner
Linked to Dossier Page: Police
Station Attendance
Linked to Dossier Field:
Extended Bail Date
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the briefing instructions. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding whether or not further attendance took place. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the further attendance. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Meet unmet keydates by type
Meet Unmet Keydates by Type –
Meet unmet keydates by type
Meet Unmet Keydates by Type –
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the police station outcome. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter the details regarding the magistrate’s court. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:
Will only run if Charged Bail or Charged Custody is selected

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Add a keydate linked to dossier field
Notes – Mags Court Date
Offset: 0 Days
Keydate Type: COURTDATE
Fee Earner: Matter Fee Earner
Linked to Dossier Page:
Magistrates Court Initial
Linked to Dossier Field: Mags
Court Date
Display a message to the user
Please ensure to Bill the Case
Display a message to the user
Load New Matter for Magistrates