Osprey Academy - Customer Support & Training

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Produce a Document and Save with Time Recording (App)

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Any Users

This guide will show you how to produce a document in the case management app and time record when saving it

You can produce a document and time record when saving.

Producing a Document in the App

Tap Clients & Matters > Document Production
Tap the document to run

Whilst the document is on screen, the app will be locked until the document is closed to prevent the loss of documents. Attempting to use the app will result in either of the following messages.

Other Document Types


You may tick Include Global to show global templates

Tap the document to run

Make any changes needed to the document and print it (if necessary). Then close the document using the ‘X’ in the top-right corner

Saving a Document in the App

Using Internet Explorer

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-330.png
Over-type the File Description > Select … to choose a Matter History Folder > Select an appropriate type

Using the Case Management App

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-2.png
Select choose a Document Folder > Select an appropriate type > Over-type the Description

You have three options for Time Recording.

To post the default letter rate simply select ‘Save’. If you wish not to post a time entry select ‘Save with No Time Record'(Save Without Time Recording).

If, however, you wish to post your own time entry, untick the ‘Automatic Time Record’ box (Tap Automatic Time Recording.

A posting screen will now appear to allow you to enter the details manually. Once you have completed the posting form, select ‘Save’.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-3.png

Documents and Workflows can be run from within Word directly using our Word Add-ins Osprey Office 365 Word Add-in or Osprey Office Add-in

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