Record Counsel’s Fees on Legal Aid Matters
Updated May 15th, 2024
Who is this guide for?
Accounts Users and Accounts Supervisors
Using Osprey, you will be able to record Counsel’s fees on any legal aid matter on the system. This guide will assist you in achieving this
When Counsel’s fees are paid directly by the Legal Aid board, a record will be needed on Osprey to account for them.
Please note that the matter has to be Legal Aid for the relevant posting types to appear.
To post your Counsel’s fees, navigate to the Client Ledger tab in Osprey.

You will now be able to select one of the three posting types from the ‘Posting Type’ drop down list.
Simply select the list to view the relevant types, as below.

Enter Counsel’s Fees: Will allow you to enter details of the fee to be paid.
Cancel Counsel’s Fees: Will cancel the unpaid posting.

Pay Counsel’s Fees: Will mark the entry as paid.
Please note that this will not affect the banks, but will instead show up on the Counsel Fees Journal.
To access the Counsel Fees Journal, you will be able to navigate to your Banks & Journals area. To view any Counsel’s Fees posted. Select CFEES from the Bank/Journal drop-down list and click the ‘Refresh’ button.

This will display the list of postings for your Counsel’s fees.
Remember! The posting types relevant to Counsel’s Fees will only appear on Legal Aid matters!