Osprey Academy - Customer Support & Training

Using Osprey

Learn how to use Osprey to manage your day-to-day operations and processes

Who is this guide for?

Case Management Supervisors

Osprey Approach offers integration with SearchFlow, allowing you to run SearchFlow searches directly from Osprey. This guide will take you through the options available

To submit SearchFlow searches through Osprey Approach, you will need an account with SearchFlow, along with your firm’s SearchFlow username and password.

Entering your credentials

Navigate to Supervisor > System Setup > System Settings and click on Third Party Data.

In the Search area in the top right of the screen, type SEARCHFLOW to perform a search.

The two areas available in which to input data are:




Right click on SEARCHFLOW_XIF_API and select Edit.

This is the area in which you need to input your username and password.

Enter your Searchflow username and password.
The URL should show: https://api.searchflow.co.uk/prd/xif

Once all of the data has been added, select the Save button at the top of the screen.


Return to the Third Party Screen, and right click on SEARCHFLOW_XIF_Notification and select Edit.

On this screen, you only need to enter your Osprey URL.
Amend the URL to display as follows: https://yourcompanyname.ospreyapproach.com/searchflow/services/XIFResponse.ashx

Once you have edited both SEARCHFLOW_XIF_API and SEARCHFLOW_XIF_NOTIFICATION you will then be able to perform Searchflow searches through Osprey.

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