Osprey Academy - Customer Support & Training

Using Osprey

Learn how to use Osprey to manage your day-to-day operations and processes

Setting up InfoTrack Integration

Who is this guide for?

Case Management Supervisors and System Supervisors

This guide will go through setting up the InfoTrack integration in Osprey

Osprey Approach offers integration with InfoTrack, allowing you to run InfoTrack searches. To use these, a supervisor level user will need to ensure that the integration has been set up.

Setting up credentials

If you attempt to use InfoTrack without having your InfoTrack credentials set, a warning will appear.

The credentials can be set by going to Supervisor > System Setup > Users, right click the user in question and click Edit.

Scrolling to the bottom of the page you can fill in the InfoTrack credentials and then click Save at the top.

InfoTrack mapping

You can map the Osprey fields to the fields of InfoTrack, automatically populating the InfoTrack screen.
Select Supervisor > Integrations > InfoTrack Field Mapping

Select the InfoTrack Field.

Choose either Client or Dossier and then select the appropriate Available Table and Field to map to.

Click Add field Mapping. The mapping will appear underneath, repeat the process with any further fields.

Auto posting disbursements

To allow Osprey to automatically post the costs of the searches as office bank payments go to Supervisor > System Setup > Configuration Settings.

Search for the setting Automate InfoTrack Disbursements, right click it and select Edit to set it to True and click Save.

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