InfoTrack Freehold Sale
Updated Aug 5th, 2024
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
File Opening – Enter details regarding the file. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Number of Parties

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Vendor 1

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Vendor 2 – This will only display if 2 or more vendors were selected in the number of parties questionnaire at the beginning of the task.

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Vendor 3 – This will only display if 3 or more vendors were selected in the number of parties questionnaire at the beginning of the task.

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Vendor 4 – This will only display if 4 vendors were selected in the number of parties questionnaire at the beginning of the task.

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Purchaser 1

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Purchaser 2 – This will only display if 2 or more purchasers were selected in the number of parties questionnaire at the beginning of the task.

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Purchaser 3 – This will only display if 3 or more purchasers were selected in the number of parties questionnaire at the beginning of the task.

Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Purchaser 4 – This will only display if 4 purchasers were selected in the number of parties questionnaire at the beginning of the task.

Send Standard Document
Add an automatic keydate to matter
5 days – client to return signed client care pack (Published description: Client to return the signed client care pack within 5 days so work can begin on the file) ChaseCli
Add an automatic keydate to matter
Automatic keydate – 8 days – prepare contract pack and send to purchaser’s solicitors (internal keydate) Reminder
Meet unmet keydates by type
client to return signed client care pack ChaseCli
Send Merged Email Template
Initial Email to Estate Agent
Send Standard Document
Meet unmet keydates by type
prepare contract pack and send to purchaser’s solicitors Reminder
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Draft Contract Pack: Enter details regarding the Contract. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Display a message to the user
“Please obtain title documents via Searchflow if you have an account”
Display a message to the user
“Prepare Contract”
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
lender request final redemption statement – please do a version for lender 1 and lender 2 – apply criteria so they only run if the dossier fields are completed If MortgageLender1/2 is not empty
Send Standard Document
lender 2 request final redemption statement – please do a version for lender 1 and lender 2 – apply criteria so they only run if the dossier fields are completed If MortgageLender1/2 is not empty
Send Merged Email Template
client confirm contract pack sent to buyer
Send Merged Email Template
Estate Agent contract pack sent to buyer
Add an automatic keydate to matter
1 week – chase purchaser’s solicitors for enquiries if not received (Published description: Chase the purchaser’s solicitors for any enquiries regarding the contract pack, if none received within one week) Chase Purchaser’s Solicitors for contract pack CHASESOL
Add an automatic keydate to matter
5 days – chase lender for redemption statement if not rec’d (criteria applied) (internal date) CHASELEND MTGLEND1 is not empty
Add an automatic keydate to matter
5 days – chase lender 2 for redemption statement if not rec’d (criteria applied) (internal date) CHASELEND MTGLEND2 is not empty
Meet unmet keydates by type
chase lender for redemption statement ChaseLend
Send Standard Document
Client received redemption statement
Meet unmet keydates by type
chase purchaser’s solicitors for enquiries if not received CHASESOL
Send Standard Document
Send Merged Email Template
Estate Agent enqs received, sent to client
Send Standard Document
Send Merged Email Template
client confirming replies to enquiries sent to purchaser’s solicitor
Add an automatic keydate to matter
Automatic keydate – 3 days – chase purchaser’s solicitor for TR1 if not received (Published description: Chase the purchaser’s solicitor for the draft Transfer Deed, so it can be approved and sent to the client for signature) Chase purchaser’s solicitor for TR1 if not rec’d CHASESOL
Send Standard Document
Display a message to the user
“Send Contract to client via Docusign”
Add an automatic keydate to matter
3 days – chase client for return of signed contract (Published description: Client to sign and return the Contract within three days) CHASECLI
Meet unmet keydates by type
– Chase purchaser’s solicitor for TR1 if not received CHASESOL
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Client sending TR1 for signature
Add an automatic keydate to matter
4 days – chase client for signed Transfer (Published description: Client to sign the Transfer Deed and return it within four days) CHASECLI2
Send Standard Document
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Completion Statement. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Meet unmet keydates by type
chase client for signed contract CHASECLI
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Enter details regarding the Exchange. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields:

Send Merged Email Template
Estate Agents exchange/request invoice
Send text message to a client

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
lender request final redemp stat – please do a version for lender 1 and lender 2 – apply criteria so they only run if the dossier fields are completed If MortgageLender1/2 is not empty
Send Standard Document
lender 2 request final redemp stat – please do a version for lender 1 and lender 2 – apply criteria so they only run if the dossier fields are completed If MortgageLender1/2 is not empty
Add a keydate linked to dossier field
1 week before completion – set file up for completion REMINDER (INTERNAL)
Meet unmet keydates by type
chase client for signed Transfer CHASECLI2
Allocate a Custom Questionnaire
Pre-Completion: Enter details regarding the Completion Statement. This information is used to pre-populate letters and fields

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Display a message to the user
Raise requisition(s) for completion funds
Meet unmet keydates by type
Send Standard Document
Send a text message to a client

Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
Send Standard Document
lender confirm completion – please do a version for lender 1 and lender 2, with criteria IF MortgageLend1/2 is not empty
Send Standard Document
lender 2 confirm completion – please do a version for lender 1 and lender 2, with criteria IF MortgageLend1/2 is not empty
Send Standard Document
sol send evidence of mtg discharge