Understand where Postings Appear on Banks & Journals
Updated Apr 23rd, 2024
Who is this guide for?
Accounts Users and Accounts Supervisors
This guide aims to help you to understand what bank, journal or other account will be affected with financial postings
This document describes the effect of each financial posting type in the Banks & Journals area. Positive figures are suffixed with a ‘+’ sign and negative figures with a ‘-‘ sign. This should help you to understand the accounting methods within Osprey
All Bank & Journal Postings

Last Year’s Profit adjustments
The posting types for ‘Last Year’s Profit Adjustments’ (from LYPROFIT) are ‘Transfer LYP to Nominal’ and ‘Transfer Nominal to LYP’

Petty Cash postings
The ‘Petty Cash Postings’ (From PETTYCASH) posting types available are ‘Petty Cash from Bank’ and ‘Petty Cash to Bank’.

VAT Journal postings
VAT Journal Postings (From VAT JNL) posting types are ‘VAT Payment’ and ‘VAT Adjustment’.